Topic: Granite State Trade School offers Continuing Education for a 2 Year Cycle in One Session

Plumbing Continuing Education

Online or In the Classroom!

It has taken longer than we expected to make our continuing education courses available online but we wanted to make sure they provided the same quality instruction we provide in our live classes. Check out our online course times below, and register through the website or call us at 895-4444. After registering, you will receive the online meeting invitation.

Held Friday from 8:00 AM TO 11:00 AM, and the second session from 11:00 PM to 2:00 PM

The course covers the required plumbers training curriculum as set forth by the NH Mechanical Licensing Board.

Plumbers can now get a great discount deal on Plumbing Continuing ED and Gas Code Update.

All Classes held at Granite State Trade School, 42 Old Manchester Road, Raymond, NH unless otherwise noted.

We reserve the right to reschedule classes if required.

A webcam and audio capabilities are required to participate in online courses.