Topic: Granite State Trade School offers Continuing Education for a 2 Year Cycle in One Session

Gas Continuing Education

Online or In the Classroom!

It has taken longer than we expected to make our continuing education courses available online but we wanted to make sure they provided the same quality instruction we provide in our live classes. Check out our online course times below, and register through the website or call us at 895-4444. After registering, you will receive the online meeting invitation.
State of New Hampshire requires a total of 6 hours of continuing education from an APPROVED PROVIDER to renew a gas license. GRANITE STATE TRADE SCHOOL is an APPROVED PROVIDER. Each year the state approves a 3 hour class for that calendar year. It is intended that a licensee takes the 3 hours of training for that year to stay current, however, the state does accept all 6 hours of training done in one year. Two 3 hour code review classes meet the 6-hour code review renewal requirement. A licensee can never get credit for the same 3-hour course twice, they must be different year versions.

Take the NEW 6 hour requirements:
Full 6 Hours is only $90.00 (includes lunch) BEST VALUE!

Purchase 2025 and 2024 together and SAVE! (Enroll in your first session and schedule your second when you attend the first or call the office at 603-895-4444.)

Unless otherwise noted….
NFPA 54 Code review for 2025 runs 8:00 am to 11:00 am – 3 hours
NFPA 54 Code review for 2024 runs 11:00 am to 2:00 pm – 3 hours (please report at 11:15am)
Carbon Monoxide 2 Hours – (meets Vermont requirements) by request – $30

Our Gas Continuing Education is accepted in Vermont and we offer the Vermont 2 Hour Carbon Monoxide Class as well. You can enroll in the Carbon Monoxide Course as part of your Gas Continuing Education Course.

To Enroll in Vermont Carbon Monoxide as a stand alone course CLICK HERE.

Course Text  $ 100.00 for each level

We reserve the right to reschedule classes if required.

A webcam and audio capabilities are required to participate in online courses.